September 21, 2021

The documents we need for your offshore B211 visa application

Why did some people only ask me for a copy of my passport and proof of vaccine?

Do I really need to provide my flight booking details?

Can I use a letter from my doctor instead of a PCR test for the visa application?

Do I really need to organise my travel insurance now?


We understand why a lot of people are confused by the application process for the B211 Offshore Visa. Some of the requirements don’t seem necessary at the application stage. So today we are explaining why we ask for the documents we require.

This is a list of the documents we need for the B211 offshore visa application:

The documents we need for your offshore B211 visa application

We ask for these because each one is required by the immigration regulations and the visa application system. There is no way to submit the application without uploading all of these documents.

The image below shows the application page for the B211 Offshore Visa. We have marked the documents required for the B211 Offshore Visa application with the red line. If these documents are not uploaded, it is not possible to click ‘Done & Send’ to submit the application.

But, in some cases, there are alternative options, which we explain below. 

b211 offshore visa requirements

Overall, something needs to be uploaded for each of the requirements on the list that we have marked with the red line. But…

*** Instead of a negative PCR test, it is possible to upload a letter from your doctor stating you are healthy with no signs of COVID-19.
*** If you are unable to get the vaccine for medical reasons, we can upload a letter from your doctor detailing the medical reasons.


It is important to understand that if the person helping with your visa application does not ask you for everything that is marked on this list, they will be uploading a document that is not genuine in its place.

As a result of these practices, we have heard of cases where people who are not our clients had problems using their visa. Some were turned away by immigration in Jakarta because the information from their application did not match their situation. Others were not allowed to board the plane as they did not have an onwards ticket.

We want to ensure all our clients arrive in Indonesia safely and without stress and hassle. We follow the regulations exactly to make sure our clients can travel with confidence and security.


To apply for your visa for Bali, Indonesia, check out this post where we explain everything you need to do.

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