November 11, 2022

G20 Leaders Summit Bali 2022: Road Closures, Immigration Services & Key Info

For the majority of those living in Bali during the KTT G20 Leaders Summit, there will be some upheaval and obstacles. The main event is being held on the 15th-16th, but there will be large-scale operations facilitating the event from the 12th of November to the 18th.

Immigration Services During G20 Bali

Immigration services will be limited from Monday to Thursday, 14th – 17th November 2022. This means those with stay permits that expire between November 12th – 20th need to submit documents for their extension at the latest Friday, November 11th.

g20 imigrasi office closures

Driving in Bali During G20

Road Closures, Diversions, Odd-Even Traffic Management

Road closures and temporary traffic management systems are coming into place this week (from 11th – 17th November) to facilitate the delegations, media, and representatives for the G20 Summit arriving in Bali. Traffic management systems include road closures, diversions, and odd-even management systems on some of the island’s key transport routes for locals, expats, tourists and holidaymakers.

Ngurah Rai Airport Diversion

As well as the VVIP guests flying into Bali Airport, there will be dozens of additional military, security and cargo flights carrying all the resources needed for each head of state’s security and comfort. This means those not involved with G20 will have to follow a diversion around Kuta when entering and leaving the airport, rather than using the main road to Sunset and the Tol road.

This will be formally in place from the 14th to the 17th of November, though there may still be delays and diversions from the 12th to the 18th.

There is a great visual of the diversion that will be in place for the majority of residents in Bali here:


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Travelling to Nusa Dua during G20

For those travelling to the airport from Nusa Dua during G20, the following diversion will be in place:

travelling from nusa dua to the airport during g20

For those travelling from the airport to Nusa Dua during G20, the following diversion will be in place:

travelling from nusa dua to the airport during g20

Odd-Even Traffic Management System Bali G20

The odd-even system is in place on ten routes in southern Bali, with further restrictions on goods transportation throughout the area. The system manages traffic flow based on vehicle license plates. In the case of Bali’s G20 traffic management, the odd-even management system works to reduce traffic rather than stop it completely by allowing only certain license plates to pass on certain days.

The odd-even system will run from 6 am-11 pm on 11th-17th November. The roads impacted by the odd-even system are;

  1. Simpang Pesanggara – Sanur Interchange
  2. Simpang Kuta – Simpang Pesanggaran
  3. Intersection Kuta – Tugu Ngurah Rai
  4. Tugu Ngurah Rai – Nusa Dua
  5. Simpang Pesanggaran – Benoa Gate
  6. Airport Interchange (DPS) – Ngurah Rai Monument
  7. 042 Jimbaran – Uluwatu
  8. Bali Mandara Toll Road
  9. Uluwatu II Road
  10. Udayana Campus Highway.
odd even traffic management bali g20 map of roads affected
***Map may not include every route affected***

11th, 13th, 15th, 17th – Only odd number plates can pass

12th, 14th, 16th, 18th – Only even number plates can pass

For example, on the 15th of November, vehicles with an odd number on their license plate can pass through but those with even numbers must follow the diversions. Similarly, on 16th November, vehicles with an even number on their license plate (e.g., DK 6774 LL) can pass through, and odd numbers will have to follow the diversion.

Exceptions to Odd-Even Traffic Management System

The system will not apply to vehicles belonging to government officals, official vehicles with red plates or TNI/POLRI service numbers, fire engines, ambulances, transportation public with yellow plates, G20 Summit vehicles, electric motorized vehicles, vehicles with disability badges and tow trucks.

The transportation of bottled drinking water, postal deliveries, transportation of cash, logistics needed for the Summit G20, and staple food supplies are not impacted by the changes in traffic regulations.

The system would also potentially be scrapped in the case of an emergency such as a disaster or riot.

Road Closures During G20

In addition to the odd-even system, some full road closures will happen on these routes for short periods while heads of state travel from the airport to Nusa Dua.


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