December 9, 2021

Indonesia Quarantine Extended to 10 Days

Quarantine for international travellers to Indonesia has been increased to 10 days. Read the regulation here and in English here.

The key points are:

4. All International Travelers, both those with the status of Indonesian citizens (WNI) and foreign citizens (WNA) must follow
terms/conditions as follows:

d. Upon arrival, a RT-PCR retest is carried out for the perpetrators of international travel and required to undergo quarantine for 10 x 24 hours;

h. In the case of heads of foreign representatives and their families serving in Indonesia can self-quarantine at their respective residences each for 10 x 24 hours as referred to in letter d; and


k. For Indonesian citizens and foreigners, a second RT-PCR test is carried out with the following conditions:
as follows:

i. On the 9th day of quarantine for international travelers who quarantine with a duration of 10 x 24 hours; or

ii. On the 13th day of quarantine for international travelers quarantine with a duration of 14 x 24 hours.


For more support with your visa for Bali, take a look at this post.

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