November 29, 2021

Indonesia Quarantine Extended to 7 Days Due to Omicron Variant

In response to the new Omicron COVID-19 variant, Indonesia has extended the quarantine for international travellers from 3 to 7 days. Read the new regulation here.

The key points are detailed below:

All International Travelers, both those with the status of Indonesian citizens (WNI) and foreign citizens (WNA) must follow terms/conditions as follows:

4a. Comply with the provisions of the health protocol set by the Government;

b. Indicates that the card or certificate (physical or digital) has received COVID-19 vaccine complete dose for at least 14 (fourteen) days before departure as a requirement to enter Indonesia with the following conditions:

i. Indonesian citizens are required to show a card or certificate (physical or digital) that has been received the full dose of COVID-19 vaccine as a requirement enter Indonesia, and in the event that Indonesian citizens have not received the vaccine in Indonesia abroad, they will be vaccinated at the quarantine place upon arrival Indonesia after the second RT-PCR examination with the results of negative;

ii. Foreigners are required to show a card or certificate (physical or digital) have received the full dose of COVID-19 vaccine as a requirement enter Indonesia;

iii. In the event that the foreigner has not received the vaccine abroad, it will be vaccinated at the quarantine place upon arrival in Indonesia after performing a second RT-PCR examination with negative results, with the following conditions:

1) Foreigners aged 12 – 17 years;

2) Holders of diplomatic residence permits and official residence permits; and/or

3) Holders of limited stay permit (KITAS) and permit cards permanent stay (KITAP).

iv. Foreigners who are already in Indonesia and will travel, both domestic and international, are required to do vaccination through program schemes or mutual cooperation according to regulations legislation;

v. Obligation to show COVID-19 vaccination card or certificate (physical or digital) as a requirement to enter Indonesia excluded to:

1) Foreigners holding diplomatic visas and related service visas with official/state visits of foreign officials at the same level ministers and above and foreigners who enter Indonesia withTravel Corridor Arrangement scheme, according to the principle of reciprocity while still implementing strict health protocols; and

2) Foreigners who have not vaccinated and intend to take a domestic trip and continue with the destination take international flights out of the territory of the Republic of Indonesia, it is allowed not to show the vaccination card/certificate COVID-19 as long as you don’t leave the airport area during transit waiting for the international flight to be followed, with requirements:

5a) Has been authorized by the local Port Health Office to carry out domestic travel with the aim of in order to be able to continue its flight out of Indonesia; and

b) Shows flight ticket schedules outside Indonesia for direct transit from the departure city to the airport in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia with the final destination to the country aim.

3) International travellers under 18 years of age; and

4) International travellers with health conditions specific or comorbid disease that causes the perpetrator to travel cannot receive the vaccine, with conditions must attach a doctor’s certificate from the hospital The government of the country of departure which certifies that concerned has not and/or cannot follow COVID-19 vaccination.

vi. Card or certificate (physical or digital) of receiving the vaccineCOVID-19 full dose written in English, in addition to country of origin language.

c. Shows a negative result through an RT-PCR test in the country/region of origin that the sample is taken within a maximum period of 3 x 24 hours before departure and attached at the time of medical examination or e-mail HAC International Indonesia;

d. Upon arrival, a RT-PCR retest is carried out for travellers international and required to undergo quarantine for 7 x 24 hours;

e. In the case of Indonesian citizens originating from the country/region as referred to in number 2 can still enter the territory of Indonesia by doing RT-PCR retest on arrival and are required to undergo quarantine for 14 x 24 hours;

f. Quarantine obligations as referred to in letter d and letter executed under the following conditions:

1) For Indonesian citizens, namely Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI); Student/student; or Government Employees returning from overseas business trips country in accordance with the Decree of the Head of the Task Force Handling COVID-19 Number 14 of 2021 regarding Entrance (Entry Point), Quarantine Places, and RT-PCR Obligations for ResidentsCountry Indonesia International Travelers with fees borne by the government; and

2) For Indonesian citizens outside the criteria as referred to in number 1) and for foreigners, including foreign diplomats, outside the head of foreign representatives and the family of the head of the foreign representative undergoing quarantine on the spot quarantine accommodation.

i. In terms of RT-PCR re-examination results on arrival as referred to in letter d and letter e show the results positive, then treatment in the hospital for Indonesian citizens at a cost borne by the government and for foreigners at the full cost borne independently;

j. In the event that a foreign citizen (foreigner) cannot finance the quarantine independently and/or their treatment at the Hospital, then the Sponsor, Ministries/Institutions/SOEs that provide consideration for entry permits for the said foreigner, the said accountability may be held;

k. For Indonesian citizens and foreigners, a second RT-PCR test is carried out with the following conditions as follows:

1) On the 6th day of quarantine for international travellers who quarantine with a duration of 7 x 24 hours; or

2) On the 13th day of quarantine for international travellers who quarantine with a duration of 14 x 24 hours.

l. In the event that the RT-PCR retest as referred to in letter k shows negative results, Indonesian citizens and foreigners are allowed to continue travel and are advised to self-quarantine for 14days and implement health protocols;

m. In the event of a positive result as referred to in letter k, then the hospitalization for Indonesian citizens at the expense of the government and for foreigners at all costs to be borne independently;


Quarantine hotels in Jakarta are detailed here.


Find out more about the offshore visa application process here.

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