November 3, 2021

Indonesia Quarantine Reduced to 3 Days

Great news for those wanting to travel to Indonesia as quarantine has been reduced to 3 days for fully vaccinated travellers. Those with 1 dose of the vaccine need to do 5 days quarantine. Those who are medically exempt from taking the vaccine have to do 3 days quarantine and take a PCR test 24 hours before departure.

The updated regulation in Indonesian can be found here.

The key items are translated below:

3. All International Travelers, both Indonesian Citizens (WNI) and Foreign Citizens (WNA) must comply with the following conditions/requirements:

d. Upon arrival, RT-PCR retests are carried out for international travellers and are required to undergo quarantine for 5 x 24 hours for international travellers who have just received the first dose of vaccine or for 3 x 24 hours for international travellers who have received the full dose of vaccine.

i. For Indonesian citizens and foreigners, a second RT-PCR test is carried out with the following conditions:
1) On the 4th day of quarantine for international travellers who carry out quarantine with a duration of 5 x 24 hours; or
2) On the 3rd day of quarantine for international travellers who quarantine with a duration of 3 x 24 hours.


There is a selection of hotels to choose from for your quarantine which you can book through this link.


If you would like a visa to travel to Indonesia, take a look at this post where we explain the process and get in touch with any questions.

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