October 16, 2021

Indonesia Quarantine Reduced To 5 Days!

We’re delighted to announce that the minimum quarantine for travellers to Indonesia has now been reduced from 8 days to 5 days! You can read the updated regulation here.

This means travellers who have obtained the necessary visa, be it the B211 Offshore Visa or a KITAS, can fly into Indonesia and as long as their PCR test results are negative on arrival and on day 5 of quarantine, they can then proceed to enjoy their holiday!

You can find details of the government approved quarantine hotels in Jakarta here.

The hotels where you can quarantine in Bali are on the list below.

where can I quarantine in Bali

If you would like help obtaining a visa to enter Bali, Indonesia, please email our team at info@visaagencybali.com today.

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