Just as every other market does, Indonesia has its own characteristics. Their understanding requires deep insights into the culture, customs, and business environment. Visa Agency Bali’s professional assistance ensures that your firm is set up correctly and complies with legal requirements of the country.
A foreigner can start doing business in Indonesia as a local citizen or a foreign investor under a local nominee arrangement as this kind of company allows only 100% local ownership. On the contrary to other legal entities, a local company is not a subject to such strict requirements and limits
Foreign-owned limited liability company is a legal entity that can be fully owned by foreigners. However, the maximum foreign ownership is determined by the business sector and business activities. The restrictions are listed in a regulation called the Indonesian Negative Investment List.
A BPJS and its relevance for expatriates, has been a hotly debated topic over the years, particularly as most expatriates fail to see the personal benefit of the scheme. However, it is now a mandatory requirement for all Indonesian residents who have been living in the country for 6 months or more.
A virtual office is a service that enables business owners to work remotely by providing a range of business functions accessible through the internet. It also enables organisations to create and maintain a presence in a desirable location without the need to pay expensive non essential rent for an actual space.