Just as every other market does, Indonesia has its own characteristics. Their understanding requires deep insights into the culture, customs, and business environment. Visa Agency Bali’s professional assistance ensures that your firm is set up correctly and complies with legal requirements of the country.

To have official or legal wedding in Bali is possible almost for all couples. Legal wedding registration in Bali is not expensive and procedure is quite clear and simple. Possessing both Religious and Civil (or Legal) wedding ceremonies in Bali is recognized as legal by most of foreign countries.

For foreigners who give birth in Indonesia, it will be necessary to get a local birth certificate before a foreign passport can be issued for your baby. Then, you will need to apply for a limited stay permit (ITAS visa) for your baby, which will follow the visa of the working spouse.

Indonesian law is very strict when it comes to people living in Indonesia, particularly foreigners. There are many foreign rules in Indonesia for those living, studying or working in Indonesia. The government requires every foreigner to possess identity documents issued by the Civil Registry

A Police Clearance Certificate (also known as SKCK) is a certificate which is issued by the national police of Indonesia. The certificate is available to expatriates or local Indonesians who require a confirmation of their criminal status. Applicants are not required to reside in Indonesia

In accordance with the Law of The Republic of Indonesia Number 23 Of 2006 about Population Administration, every foreigner who possess Limited Residence Permit (ITAS- Ijin Tiggal Terbatas) in Indonesia shall report to Regional Population and Civil Registration Department

Foreigners residing in Indonesia with temporary stay permits (KITAS) or permanent stay permits (KITAP) are entitled to a Driving License or Driver’s License, also known as Surat Izin Mengemudi (SIM). Other basic requirements for this license application in Indonesia being 17 years of age or older.