October 2, 2021

Travel to Bali for Under-12’s During COVID-19

Until this week, there has been a lack of clarity on what is required for children who are 12 years old and under to travel to Bali, Indonesia.

We are happy to inform you that as long as the child is travelling with their parent, they do not have to follow the same stringent rules to obtain the B211 offshore visa.

Children who are 12 years old and under are not required to be vaccinated. They can instead have a letter from their doctor declaring them healthy and free from COVID-19 symptoms. We have an example of this letter available to our clients upon request.

For more information on requirements for the B211 Offshore Visa, take a look at this post.

For adults, the requirements for the B211 offshore visa are detailed below:

October 2021 OFFSHORE VISA requirements update (1)

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